Who will be Jesus to them?

Denne sangen gjør noe med meg. Selv om jeg kan tenke noen ganger at livet går imot, så må jeg bare minne meg selv på at det er så utrolig mange som har det mange ganger verre enn meg!

Hvordan klarer folk seg? Hva tyr de til? Hvem går de til? Det finnes så mange vonde historier... Har vi tid til å hjelpe dem? Husker vi å tenke på andre enn oss selv?
Klarer vi å vise dem Jesus?

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He came home from work last night, to find that she is gone,
Now He's spending his first Sunday sitting in the pew alone,
There are whispers all around him, His heart breaks in two,
He's wondering who will reach out and help him make it through,

She has a reputation like the woman at the well ,
The only love she ever knew was the kind she buys and sells,
But her thirsty heart is searching for a love that will be true,
The Savior cries for her to see Himself in me and you,

Who Will be Jesus to her?, 
Who'll show the love that's commanded in His Word?,
Will she see in us the mighty God we serve?, Who will Be Jesus to her?

Wonded People everywhere, and when they look at us, do they see Jesus
Who Will be Jesus to Them?, Who'll show the love that restores Them 
Oh, They do not need a judge, They need a friend, Who will Be Jesus to 
Who will be Jesus to them?

Hør sangen
